Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, Vol. 21, No. 2 (2022), Alim2750

Drying kinetics of Cecina from Yecapixtla using a forced flow indirect solar dryer

A. Tlatelpa-Becerro, R. Rico-Martínez, M. Cárdenas-Manríquez, G. Urquiza, F.B. Alarcón-Hernández, C. Torres4, E. Montiel



This study presents the drying behavior of Cecina from Yecapixtla Morelos through an indirect solar dryer to obtain the drying kinetics. The behavior of the drying kinetics was examined, observing significant effects related to the levels of pH, salinity, and density of the Cecina. Artisanal dry Cecina samples are compared versus the dry Cecina of this study. The results showed a higher concentration of salinity and a lower pH of the dry Cecina of this study versus the dry artisanal Cecina. Solar drying through the indirect dryer present in this work is a viable alternative to give added value to the production of Cecina from Yecapixtla in Morelos, Mexico.

Keywords: Drying kinetics, effective diffusivity, solar dryer, Cecina from Yecapixtla.