Operation and design of a liquid fluidized bed classifier for polydisperse suspensions of equal-density solid particles through modeling and simulation


E. Ortega Sánchez, O. Loera and G. Viniegra-González



A parameter, σ0=S0α-1 (gcm-2), is defined. Where, S0,(gcm-3) is the initial substrate concentration and α, (cm-1) is the specific area of the solid support. This parameter helps comparing the biomass yields, YX/S, of fungical superficial cultures either with a fixed S0, value and variable α, or with fixed α, and variable S0. A. niger cultures followed the logistic equation with maximal surface density ρAM (gcm-2). Final average thickness, h, was measured by image analysis. The values of h, followed a saturation function of σ0 (R2 = 0.965) with extrapolated value hMAX ≈ 0.4 cm. But the volumetric density, ρV = ρAMh-1 was nearly constant ρV ≈ 0.046 ± 0.005 (gcm-3). The regression Yx/S-1 = Y0-1 + σ0ε-1 (R2 = 0.95) in the range, 5.9 mgcm-2 < σ0 < 62.8 mgcm-2, indicated, Y0 = 0.5 , as the maximal biomass yield, and ε = ρv hMAX ≈ 0.02 gcm-2, , as a measurement of the biosynthetic efficiency. This approach could be useful for the normalization and comparison of screening tests of fungal surface cultures with a variety of solid supports and culture conditions. For example, cultures with different S0, values but, similar yield coefficient YX/S.