A simple proposal for modeling isothermal cure kinetics


O.F. Aguilar Gutiérrez, R.O. Vargas, J.E. Puig, E. Mendizábal and F. López-Serrano



  • The proposal, intended for engineering purposes, is capable of reducing computational time to facilitate, even with analytic solutions, the kinetics description, especially when more complex systems are being studied.

  • In spite of the model´s simplicity, fundamental kinetic parameters, including the reaction order and the rate constant, (composed of the Arrhenius constant and the activation energy) can be determined in the diffusion free zone.

  • A four-parameter model accurately described the previously reported conversion evolution of a cyanate ester resin, from 140 to 190 ºC.

  • The Churchill-Usagi correlation is extended to describe curing kinetics.