Detection of Lactobacillus plantarum 299V using microcantilever-based biosensor with dynamic force microscopy


A. G. Mendoza-Madrigal, J. J. Chanona-Pérez, J. V. Méndez-Méndez, E. Palacios-González, G. Calderón-Domínguez and H. Hernández-Sánchez



  • Atomic force microscopy was used as a platform for biosensing of L. plantarum, a probiotic microorganism.

  • A mechanical microbiosensor was developed for detecting active growth of probiotic microorganisms.

  • Scanning electron microscopy was useful for checking the growth of L. plantarum on the surface of cantilevers.

  • The analysis of the resonant frequency of microcantilevers functionalized was related to the growth of L. plantarum 299v.

  • Microbiosensor sensitivity was of the order of 383 pg / Hz.