M.A. Soto Borbón, M.E. Trujillo Camacho and V.M. Sánchez Corrales



In this paper we report the characterization of screen printing films formed by TiO2 and a natural polymer (alginate) supported on glass substrates; in order to take advantage of the adhesive/adsorbents biopolymer properties, achieve a better semiconductor dispersion and a better adhesion to the substrate. The analysis of this material was accomplished by structural characterization of chemical and optical films of TiO2/alginato composites prepared in a ratio 90/10 by weight, by employing techniques such as profilometry, XRD, SEM, EDS, FT-IR and UV-Vis. When applied to the removal of Methyl Violet 2B (MV-2B) and Safranin O dyes, these films exhibited the same performance as TiO2 alone.