Vol. 23, No. 3 (2024), IA24268 https://doi.org/10.24275/rmiq/IA24268

Evaluation of nitrification and denitrification in an activated sludge process through mass balance using GPS-X software



N.A. Medellín-Castillo, S. Arvizu-Vázquez, M. Gallegos-García, A. Hidalgo-Millán, M.A. Espinosa-Rodríguez


During the biological treatment of the wastewater, chemical, and biological reactions occur under controlled conditions. The analysis of these reactions is complex due to the interaction developed by the microorganisms. The use of the mass balance represents a viable option to observe the behavior of the biological treatment of the wastewater. This work aimed to evaluate the degree of nitrification and denitrification in the activated sludge system of a wastewater treatment plant. The evaluation methodology was developed through the mass balance with the support of the GPS-X software. The mass balance of the biological treatment system under study showed that more nitrification is required in aerobic reactors and a greater volume of the anoxic zone for denitrification, since only 38% of the total nitrogen was removed. Alternatively, by simulating a new treatment model with the GPS-X software, it was possible to increase the total nitrogen removal efficiency from 38% to 81%. The parameters of alkalinity, pH, DO, T and SRT were very useful indicators to observe the nitrification and denitrification process in the activated sludge system.


mass balance, nitrification, denitrification.


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