
El registro y el inicio de sesión son necesarios para enviar elementos en línea y para comprobar el estado de los envíos recientes. Ir a Iniciar sesión a una cuenta existente o Registrar una nueva cuenta.

Lista de comprobación para la preparación de envíos

Como parte del proceso de envío, los autores/as están obligados a comprobar que su envío cumpla todos los elementos que se muestran a continuación. Se devolverán a los autores/as aquellos envíos que no cumplan estas directrices.
  • El envío no ha sido publicado previamente ni se ha sometido a consideración por ninguna otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación al respecto en los Comentarios al editor/a).
  • El archivo de envío está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF o WordPerfect.
  • Siempre que sea posible, se proporcionan direcciones URL para las referencias.
  • El texto tiene interlineado sencillo; 12 puntos de tamaño de fuente; se utiliza cursiva en lugar de subrayado (excepto en las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas se encuentran colocadas en los lugares del texto apropiados, en vez de al final.
  • El texto se adhiere a los requisitos estilísticos y bibliográficos resumidos en las Directrices del autor/a, que aparecen en Acerca de la revista.

Directrices para autores/as

Types of contributions

 The contributions are classified into research articles and review articles (topics previously agreed with the editors). Contributions not accepted are those merely dealing with chemical composition (including antioxidant properties, enzymatic activity, culture media), synthesis or characterization as well as formulations optimization (response surface). Manuscripts must contain original and unpublished contributions to technology and/or engineering that are not being considered for publication in another journal. Multipart manuscripts are not welcomed.

Ethics guidelines

It is recommendable that the authors check the ethics guidelines:

Publication fee and time

The Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química is financed by donations made by the Mexican Academy of Research and Teaching in Chemical Engineering (AMIDIQ) and by the Metropolitan Autonomous University (UAM). However, these donations fall short of meeting the operational and publishing expenses incurred, so contributors are requested to pay a fee for publishing.

If the corresponding author belongs to a Mexican institution, the publication fee is MXN $ 2,250 per manuscript. For corresponding authors from a foreign institution, the cost is USD $150. In both cases, these fees must be paid once the article is accepted. If you do not have the resources to cover this payment please reconsider your submission.  

The bank details for payments made in Mexico are:

Name: Academia Mexicana de Investigacion y Docencia en Ingeniería Química A.C. (AMIDIQ).

Bank: HSBC

Branch: 00702

Interbank CLABE: 021180040177382387

For international transfers additional data are required, in addition to the CLABE account number, namely the SWIFT code and bank address:

  • Bank Address: 0949 Santa Fe Center, Avenida Vasco de Quiroga No. 3800 Loc. 384, Santa Fe Shopping Center, Santa Fe, Cuajimalpa, Mexico, Distrito Federal, CP: 1210

Once the publication fee has been paid, please send a digital copy of the electronic transfer (in PDF or jpg version) to our editorial and accounting offices: amidiq@xanum.uam.mx and facturacion@amidiq.com, respectively. The galley proofs of your manuscript will be prepared once the copy of the electronic transfer is received. For requesting INVOICES, please send an email message to facturacion@amidiq.com, including the digital copy of the electronic transfer (in PDF or jpg file) and the following information:

  • Full name of the author who makes the payment (including academic degree)
  • RMIQ Item that is paid (RMIQ-xxxx)
  • Email address to which the invoice should be sent
  • Institution name and billing address, TAX ID if required

Invoices will be sent via email within the 3 days after requested, in the same month the payment was processed.

The average time between reception and the first response from the reviewers is about one and two months. The estimated time for publication of accepted manuscripts is between one and three months, depending on the number of papers that are in the publication queue.

Terms of authorship and authorship changes

Authors are expected to carefully consider the list and order of authors before submitting their manuscript and to provide the final list of authors at the time of original submission. Any addition, deletion, or reordering of the authors' names in the author list should be done only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the Journal Editor.

To request such a change, the Editor must receive the following from the corresponding author: (a) the reason for the change in the author list and (b) written confirmation (email, letter) from all authors that they agree with the addition, deletion, or rearrangement. In the case of adding or removing authors, this includes confirming the added or removed author.

After the manuscript is accepted it is no longer possible to make changes to the authorship.

Categories of the contributions

The categories covered by Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química are the following: Food engineering; Environmental engineering; Biotechnology; Catalysis, kinetics, and reactors; Sustainable development; Transport phenomena; Materials; Polymers; Process engineering; Thermodynamics; Safety; Simulation and control. When submitting your contribution, the corresponding category must be indicated. If this is not possible, it is the author's responsibility to provide an adequate contribution category.

Languages of the contributions

English and Spanish, but preference is given to articles in English, limiting to a minimum the publication of articles in Spanish. It is recommended that the authors perform a careful revision of the correct use of language so that the reviewers evaluate the scientific merits of the work. The editors may reject any contribution that does not meet the standards.  

Preparation and submission of the contributions

 Use the templates available in the links: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ya24q9iy38cc63p/Plantilla.docx?dl=0 (word) http://rmiq.org/iqfvp/Pdfs/Plantilla.zip (latex) and follow the specifications indicated in these files. The length of the submitted manuscripts must be between 15 and 30 pages and they should contain less than 15 figures or tables.  Authors must send their contribution through the OJS system: http://rmiq.org/ojs3314/index.php/rmiq/index, to this end the authors are advised to consult the guide available at: http://rmiq.org/iqfvp/Pdfs/Guia_ojs.pdf. The authors must be registered in the system and, if it is the case, they must include their ORCID identifier.

 The contributions must include a letter to the editor, where the authors explicitly state that the paper has not been published or is being considered for publication elsewhere. Also, all the authors must express their consent for publication as well as the responsible authorities, if necessary. The authors must also indicate that if the article is accepted, it will not be republished anywhere else, in English, Spanish, or in any other language or electronically, without approval from the journal. It is also necessary that the authors state that all the contents in the manuscript are approved by the authors.


It is the author's responsibility to provide a list of complete references (including the title of the work and the numbers of the first and last pages) according to the APA format. This is, 

  • Articles:

    Bourriot, S., Garnier, C. and Doublier, J.L. (1999). Phase separation, rheology and microstructure of micellar casein-guar gum mixtures. Food Hydrocolloids 7, 90-95. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0268-005X(98)00068-X

  • Book chapters:

    Krochta, E.M. (1990). Emulsion films on food products to control mass transfer. In: Food Emulsions and Foams, (E.L. Gaden and E. Doi, eds.), Pp. 65-78. Plenum Press, New York.

  • Books :

    Grases, F. F., Costa, B. A. and Söhnel, O. (2000). Cristalización en Disolución, Conceptos Básicos. Editorial Reverté, México.

  • Thesis :

    Carvajal, M. N. (2000). Estudio del Sembrado en Procesos de Cristalización por Lotes. Tesis de Maestría en Ciencias en Ingeniería Química, Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya, México.

  • Internet :

    Saunders, L. (1994). Beverage creation. Design elements. Available at: www.foodproductdesign. com/archive/1994 /0494DE.html. Accessed: August 24, 2005.

  • Congress meetings :

    Bósquez-Molina, E. (2002). Water vapor permeability of edible films. Presentation 100B-34. June 15-19. Anaheim, California: Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting.


The correct abbreviation for citing the Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química is Rev. Mex. Ing. Quim.

Tables and figures

Tables and figures must be sent to the manuscript in an enclosed file, preferably as a Word file. Or, create a compressed file (.zip or .rar) that contains the files of figures and tables. Take into account that the size of the figures will be adjusted in the edition process in order to meet the printing margins. Thus, it is recommendable to create axes, charts; etc. sufficiently large in order to be readable even when the size is reduced. The acceptable extensions for the figures are .jpg, .png, .gif, .bmp, .eps, and .pdf. Please do not send the figures as a .zip file. Tables must not have vertical lines. Tables as image files are not acceptable.

Supplementary material

If the authors wish, they may provide additional (text or multimedia) material to their contributions, which will become available on the journal website once the manuscript is accepted.


The decision process is the following: An editor will evaluate each contribution and can reject works at this stage for reasons such as lack of originality, serious scientific deficiencies, inadequate use of language and grammar, or if the contents are not contained in the scope of the journal. In addition, even when the submitted paper is relevant, it may not necessarily be accepted due to limitations of space. The authors must provide complete contact information of five potential reviewers with the aim of increasing the reviewer's database. Please suggest reviewers from other countries or at least from different institutions with whom you do not have any conflict of interest. The journal operates under a single-blind system and will favor the participation of external reviewers from the institution and country of the journal. After the review process, the editor will provide a decision about the evaluation of the work and this will be communicated to the authors, which can be: accepted; accepted with minor/major revisions; or rejected. In case of controversy, the chief editorial group will reunite and will make the corresponding decision.

Declaración de privacidad

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.